Disappointed that we only had 1/2 strength since 2 members were not feeling well & others were caught up at work. :( Nevertheless, the rest of us still had loads of fun!
First of all, we had a "secret mission" for KBCC members to be journalists of the day & we'll be sharing about the Singapore Arts Street @Hougang Central Hub during our KBCC #05 - Swop in July. here's a peek at some exciting treasures our KBCC roving photographers had found!
PomPom Party was so fun! Everyone lets his/her own imagination run wild & created all sorts of things with the pompoms! Check out Richard's rambutans, Peng Cheng's hair-tie, EeWei's porcupine, Shireen's mini bic, Laura's bag charm, Rita's baby blue poms... Haha... it was such a laugh seeing this fluffy creations bouncing off our tiny table! :D