KBCC #06 - Handmade Paper Journal

It's the time of the month again! KBCC had yet another very fun afternoon @Pauseability last Saturday! This time, Teacher EeWei taught us how to make handmade paper journal. It felt like cooking lesson at some point! haha... we all had fun :D
See how Teacher EeWei is sternly checking on everyone, making sure we are using our toothbrush properly? Nobody dared to mess around. Everyone was diligently brushing our paper in full concentration...
Next, we had an extremely therapeutic paper-tearing session. Ivan was violently & aggressively shredding the paper to ventilate, while Jullie was almost into meditation mode! :P Check out how Rita dressed to match our colourful scrap paper! :P
After cutting up the ingredients, Teacher EeWei showed us how to mesh them all up with a blender to make into paper pulp. Cooking time! We all got a little weary when we saw smoke coming out of the blender after awhile! Luckily Engineer Jullie was there to rectify the problem! Otherwise we'll all be poisoned by the rubber burning smell & the smoke from the burning incense paper outside Moses' shop! :P
Finally, our "Soup of the Day"! hehe....

Next, we learnt how to sift for gold to make our pretty handmade paper. Everyone had a shot, except baby Isabelle, our Little Princess @KBCC, who was obviously shocked by the look of our chocolate fondue! haha... :D
Now it's time to leave out our paper pulp to dry, while we work on our journal with some ready made paper Teacher EeWei had prepared in advance. Everyone was working intensely on our own journal. We can't wait to have our very own journal made...
Yay...!!!! Finally!!! Check out the fruits of our labour! Aren't they all amazing? Cool, ya? Everyone agreed that we probably won't buy any notebook ever again after last Saturday! Coz it's so easy to make & we can even decorate it just the way we like it! Wow!
Thank you so much, Teacher EeWei!

ps: Here's wishing all teachers in the world a very happy Happy Teachers' Day! :D

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